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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, once known as the industrial capital of the world, now reinvented as a metropolis of innovation, technology, art, and culture. This is a thriving city within a region that welcomes industrial and commercial organizations via a vast and growing industrial real estate, commercial real estate, and real estate investment environment.


At the famed confluence of its three rivers, the scenic City of Pittsburgh is located withing 500 miles of approximately 50% of the population of the United States. As a direct result of our industrial past - and contributing to our renewed commercial path - a multitude of railroad tracks and riverways span the region, providing access to all corners of the nation.


Featuring an abundance of natural resources, including natural gas, coal, timber, and limestone, the Pittsburgh metropolitan area is also home to an array of world-renowned universities, hospital systems, and international businesses, all supporting a variety of distinctive communities and neighborhoods. The city is consistently ranked as one of the best places to live and work in the nation.


The Pittsburgh metropolitan area and its surrounding regions continue to provide limitless opportunity for industrial and commercial organizations, as they have since first being settled. To this end, Industrial Commercial Real Estate's objective is to reinforce and intensify enterprise within the region through industrial real estate, commercial real estate, and real estate investment solutions. For more information regarding the Pittsburgh metropolitan area and its surrounding regions, its history, and its future contact Industrial Commercial Real Estate directly.

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